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Coverall Nomex Dupont Flame Resistant

Flame Resistant Clothing Made With Nomex®
The unpredictable nature of industrial fires, such as pool fires, bleve fires and flash fires and jet fires —make them all the more dangerous.

Industrial fires can be disastrous as much for the workers who are exposed to them as the businesses that endure them. Over 40 years ago, DuPontrecognized the need for flame resistant clothing that offered protection to those that are at risk for exposure to fire hazards. DuPont scientists created flame resistant Nomex® fiber, a revolutionary material that helps provides industrial workers with protection from intense heat and flames. Nomex® fiber helps minimize break-open and maintains a stable, inert barrier between the fire and skin, protecting the wearer from direct exposure. In the face of these hazards Nomex® forms a tough, protective char, staying supple until it cools. What’s more, Nomex® won’t melt or drip, unlike other fabrics that degrade and add the risk of melted material to the burn trauma.

An excellent value, Nomex® lasts three to five times longer than other protective fabrics, including 100% cotton and flame-retardant treated cotton. But comfort and fit are also an essential part of safety, which is why DuPont collaborates with manufacturers and mills to help them expand on and improve their offerings of FR clothing protection with softer, breathable, lightweight fabrics. In fact, side-by-side wear tests show that the lightweight comfort of Nomex® is often preferred over other protective fabrics.



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Coverall Nomex Dupont IIIA MP3 Jacket

Seragam safety coverall merek Nomex tipe IIIA MP3 Jacket yang memiliki kualitas tidak usah diragukan lagi. Coverall ini memiliki banyak sekali fitur yang bisa menambah perlindungan untuk para pekerja pada saat bekerja. Wearpack nomex tipe IIIA juga bisa digunakan untuk seragam kerja.

Wearpack / Coverall Pertamina

RICH SAFETY menjual Wearpack / Coverall Custom Pertamina dengan harga terjangkau dan berbagai macam bahan yang sering dipakai oleh para pekerja Pertamina yaitu Bahan Katun , Japan Drill , Nomex IIIA ( Anti api ) dan lain lain.Coverall/Wearpack ini  berfungsi untuk melindungi tubuh dari faktor luar lingkungan seperti cairan atau benda tajam yang bisa melukai tubuh pekerja.


Perbedaan wearpack pertamina ini memiliki model dan warna unik yang mencitrakan seragam dari pertamina. Sebagai supplier coverall jika Anda menginginkan logo pada coverall adalah logo perusahaan, jangan khawatir Kami menyiapkan coverall pertamina dengan logo atau tulisan pada coverall bisa di custome sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Kami sangat siap untuk pemesanan dengan jumlah besar.


Mohon konfirmasi terlebih dahulu sebelum memesan untuk memastikan stock . Caranya hubungi pada nomor yang tercantum di website. Kami juga menyediakan berbagai alat safety lainnya sesuai kebutuhan Anda.