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Kacamata Safety UVEX 9160-064

  • Frame : Blue-orange
    Lens : PC blue
    Comfort and design wothout compromise
    Spectacles provide maximum wearer comfort
    Soft components around the sensitive parts of the face(ears, forehead, nose)
    Available with fully adjustable side arms enables the wearer to achieve an individual fit


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Kacamata Safety UVEX 9160-065

  • General features :
    fashionable safety spectacles with adjustable side arms
    frame colours: blue, grey
    PC lens, clear
  • Protection features :
    certified to EN 166 (personal eye protection) and EN 170 (UV filters)
    labelling: W 166 FT CE – 2C-1.2 W 1 FTKN CE
    reliable UV 400 protection
    reliable protection provided by its perfect fit: multi-level side arm inclination and different side arm lengths allow the wearer to adjust the spectacles to suit their own face
  • Comfort features :
    anti-fog inside, extremely scratch-resistant and chemical-resistant on the outside (uvex supravision excellence)
    soft, uvex quattroflex arms and soft components at the nose and forehead for a comfortable, pressure-free fit
    the shape of the lenses guarantees unrestricted peripheral vision


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Kacamata Safety UVEX 9160-076

RICH SAFETY menjual Kacamata Safety UVEX 9160-076 dengan harga terjangkau dan kualitas sudah terbukti.Kacamata Safety UVEX 9160-076 merupakan kebutuhan alat pelindung diri pada saat bekerja, kacamata berfungsi untuk melindungi mata dari faktor luar lingkungan seperti debu, pasir, dan faktor lainnya yang dapat melukai mata.


MODEL NO: 9160.076

uvex i-vo, the “eye-volution” in protective eyewear. When it comes to comfort and looks, i-vo does not compromise, making these spectacles incredibly popular among wearers. They are not only uncompromisingly safe but also excellent in terms of comfort and design. This is guaranteed because of uvex’s duo component technology, which ensures that the spectacles not only tough, but also smart. Soft components around the sensitive parts of the face (nose, forehead, ears) guarantee permanent maximum comfort.


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Kacamata Safety UVEX 9160-265

RICH SAFETY menjual Kacamata Safety UVEX 9160-265 dengan harga terjangkau dan kualitas yang sudah terbukti dipasaran.Kacamata Safety UVEX 9160-265 berfungi untuk melindungi mata dari lingkungan luar seperti debu, serpihan potonga, dan faktor lainnya yang dapat melukai mata.

  • Spesifikasi kacamata safety UVEX SAFETY GLASSES 9160-265:
    – Frame : Biru-orange
    – Lens : PC clear
    – Comfort and design without compromise
    – Spectacles provide maximum wearer comfort
    – Soft components around the sensitive parts of the face(ears forehead, nose)
    – Available with fully adjustable side arms enables the wearer to achieve an individual fit


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Kacamata Safety UVEX 9160-520

RICH SAFETY menjual Kacamata Safety UVEX 9160-520 dengan harga terjangkau dan kualitas sudah terbukti baik dipasaran.Kacamata safety UVEX 9160-520 berfungsi sebagai alat safety proteksi diri yang digunakan dalam bekerja maupun menjalankan aktifitas sehari hari. Kacamata safety berguna untuk melindungi mata dari faktor luar lingkungan seperti debu, pasir, serpihan potogan, dan faktor lainnya yang dapat melukai mata.

  • Spesifikasi UVEX SAFETY GLASSES 9160-520:
    – Color of Lense: Amber
    – Material: Polycarbonate lenses
    – Gross Weight: 200g
    – Certification: ANSI Z87+
    – Function: High-velocity particles impact resistance/Absorb 99% of the UV/Anti-sand
    – Highly efficient synthetic coating
    – Waterproof and oil-proof,easy to clean
    – High performance polycarbonate lenses

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